2-9. Soft Electronics Interconnection and Platform Technology
| Participants
| Research Purpose
Systematic development on multi-dimensional growth and multi-stacking technology of graphene and 2D materials for novel soft electronics interconnections and acquiring soft electronics interconnection and platform technology for materializing hybrid/integrated soft materials devices through physical and structural control of materials
| Contents
Topic 1. Technology development of physical properties controlled interconnection
• Layers controlled graphene growth technology using Cu/Ni catalysts
• Graphene interconnection through seamless single-multi layer graphene patterning
• Doping controlled high conducting graphene interconnection
Topic 2. Technology development of structure-controlled interconnection
Topic 3. Technology development of device integrated interconnection
Graphene sensor array integrated with interconnection for soft electronics
| Expected Contribution
| Representative Research Achievement
1. Choon-Gi Choi, Young-Jun Yu, et al., Small, 10, 3812 (2014)
2. Jin Tae Kim, Choon-Gi Choi, et al., Optics Express, 22(1), 803 13 (2014)
3. Doo-Hyeb Youn, Choon-Gi Choi, et al., Nanotechnology, 24, 075202 (2013)