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2-4. Development of 10nm scale of 3-dimensional nanopatterning method by secondary sputtering phenomenon on the soft substrate

| Participants

Name :Jeong Ho Cho
Affiliation :Sungkyunkwan University
Tel :+82-31-299-4165
E-mail :jhcho94@skku.edu
Homepage :https://sites.google.com/site/jhcho9400/
Name :Sang-Woo Kim
Affiliation :Sungkyunkwan University
Tel :+82-31-290-7352
E-mail :kimsw1@skku.edu
Homepage :http://home.skku.edu/~nesel/
Name :Byungkwon Lim
Affiliation :Sungkyunkwan University
Tel :+82-31-290-7386
E-mail :blim@skku.edu
Homepage :http://nano.skku.edu

| Research Purpose

[Soft hybrid electronic device]
? Transparent, high performance thin film diode based on oxide materials
? Hybrid heterostructure based soft sensor, memory and photo-detector device
[Soft hybrid energy device]
? Soft hybrid energy harvester using coupling of nano-materials with various characteristic
? Soft energy harvester driven by fluidic ion dynamics
[Stretchable-flexible electrode for soft electronics]
? Soft conductive nanomaterials for supporting wearable self-powered system

| Contents

Topic 1. Soft hybrid electronic device

- Development of organic/inorganic and 2D nanomaterial based heterostructure vertical FETs, memory and photo sensor.
- Development of transparent diode based new concept switching device for multi-level current control
- Select compatible material & structure for silicon interface (Ni/Al2O3/pV3D3/pSi)

Vertically-stacked organic electronic devices based on the graphene-organic semiconductor heterostructures

Topic 2. Soft hybrid energy device

- Evaluation of triboelectric characteristic of nano-material and 2D material through control of physical and electrical characteristic
- Evaluation of hybrid energy nano-material with coupling of piezoelectric/ triboelectric/ ferroelectric/ photoelectric characteristic
- Demonstration and optimization of soft hybrid energy harvester based on coupled nano-material
- Demonstration and optimization of energy harvesting device based on ion dynamics driven by water droplet flow

High-performance energy harvesting devices utilizing mechanical and thermal energies

Topic 3. Stretchable-flexible electrode for soft electronics

- Synthesis of nanostructured materials for flexible/stretchable electrodes
- Fabrication and evaluation of flexible/stretchable electrodes based on the nanostructured materials and related hybrid nanostructures
- Improvement of electrical and mechanical properties of flexible/stretchable electrodes by controlling of interfacial properties between substrates and conducting layers
- Interfacial properties for hybrid energy and electric devices and controlling of mechanical/electrical property

Organic-free silver nanowire (AgNW) synthesis and its application in organic devices

| Expected Contribution

- Providing core technology of soft electronics, one of the leading fields in the future, through the development of fundamental techniques for 10nm scale 3D nanopatterning method on soft substrates.
- Securing a high resolution metal pattern transfer method on soft substrates, expected to be practically applied to transparent display electrodes, flexible polarizers and sensors based on the high transmittance and good electric conductivity / mechanical stability of the flexible electrodes.
- Cost-efficiency through advantages such as low cost and short process time compared with current nanopatterning fabrication methods on soft substrates, and also expected to play a key role for demonstrating the soft electronics based on various energy applications.

| Representative Research Achievement

1. E. Lee, J. Lee, J. ?H. Kim, K. ?H. Lim, J. S. Byun, J. Ko, Y. D. Kim, Y. Park, Y. S. Kim, Nature Commun. 2015, 6, 6785.
2. Q. Sun, W. Seung, B. J. Kim, S. Seo, S. ?W. Kim, J. H. Cho, Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 3411.
3. B. J. Kim, E. Hwang, M. S. Kang, J. H. Cho, Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 5875.
4. Y. Choi, J. Kang, D. Jariwala, M. S. Kang, T. J. Marks, M. C. Hersam, J. H. Cho, Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 3742
5. D. H. Ho, Q. Sun, S. Y. Kim, J. T. Han, D. H. Kim, J. H. Cho, Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 2601