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2-3. The synthesis and multi scale patterning development of graphene based nano materials for solution-process

| Participants

Name :Byung Jin Cho
Affiliation :KAIST
Tel :+82-42-350-3485
E-mail :elebjcho81@kaist.ac.kr
Homepage :http://nit.kaist.ac.kr
Name :Wan Sik Hwang
Affiliation :KAU
Tel :+82-02-300-0293
E-mail :whwang@kau.ac.kr
Homepage :

| Research Purpose

Development of high-performance flexible devices based on a single-crystalline silicon for soft electronic devices with high performance which cannot be demonstrated by organic materials, and development of the optimized structure for strain-free flexible device resulting in high performance Si device and circuit with high flexibility

| Contents

Topic 1. Development of transfer process for flexible silicon device and analysis of flexibility

- Development of transfer process for flexible single-crystalline silicon: Bottom Si etching of SOI (silicon-on-insulator) wafer and transfer onto a plastic film
- Strain analysis of the transferred silicon membrane: Analysis of electrical property with bending strain and simulation analysis

Schematic diagram and photograph of the transferred silicon membrane on PDMS/PI film

Topic 2. Development of ultra-flexible high performance FDSOI transistor

- Development of stress relieve structure during extreme bending and its verification through careful calculation and simulation
- Experimental demonstration of optimized structure through transfer technology
- Development of transistor operating at Bending radius of 1 mm

(a) Strain-free structure through optimizing neutral mechanical plane (b) Strain simulation of proposed structure (c) Device characteristics without performance degradation at 1 mm bending Textile form

Topic 3. Gate dielectric formation for soft electronic device by using iCVD

- Deposition of High-k/polymer bilayer-film structure on single crystalline silicon with ALD and iCVD
- Measure and analysis capacitance-Voltage, current-Voltage characteristics of High-k/polymer
- Select compatible material & structure for silicon interface (Ni/Al2O3/pV3D3/pSi)

(a) 단결정 실리콘 위에 형성된 High-k/polymer 이중층 구조와 AFM으로 측정한 실제 두께 (b) Capacitance-Voltage 특성 (c) Current-Voltage 특성

| Expected Contribution

- Providing fundamental technologies to demonstrate flexible single-crystalline silicon device by the simple transfer method
- Development of the optimized membrane structure for improving flexibility of silicon device and demonstration of a flexible Si transistor which maintains high electrical performances even at the bending radius of 1 mm.
- Development of highly flexible devices utilizing ultrathin polymer dielectric deposited by iCVD

| Representative Research Achievement