조직도 HOME >Introduction >Organization & Staff

| Organization


| Research support headquarters

position Name Responsibilities Tel e-mail
Director Kilwon Cho   Entire management of CASE 054-279-2270 kwcho@postech.ac.kr
Deputy director Kyeong-woo Lee   Entire management of administration team
  Cope with government
  Entire management of international cooperation
  and projects
054-279-4411 kwlee1225@postech.ac.kr
Team leader Young-dae Jung   R&D planning and evaluation
  Management of IP/ technology trust and fees/
  a board of director`s meeting/a press release   Deliberation of equipment
  Administrative support (Purchase agreement)
054-279-4413 ydjung@postech.ac.kr
Administrator Hae-kyeong Choi   Management of R&D projects and achievement
  Adjustment of the financial report
  Assist a board of director`s meeting
  Enact and amend the regulation
  Administrative support (Budget, HR, Expense)
054-279-4414 hkchoi@postech.ac.kr
Administrator Young-a Kim   Management of R&D accounting system
  Administrative support
  (General affairs, tax accounting, HR, Purchasing, ERP)
054-279-4415 younga@postech.ac.kr
Administrator Sukyung Ko   International cooperation
  Management of the events and holding conference
  Website management
  Issue of a newsletter
  Fixed assets management
054-279-4412 skko1@postech.ac.kr