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1-5. Development of Functional Thin-Film for Soft Electronics

| Participants

Name :Hyeonsik Cheong
Affiliation :Sogang University
Tel :+82-02-705-8434
E-mail :hcheong@sogang.ac.kr
Homepage :http://opto.sogang.ac.kr
Name :Changgu Lee
Affiliation :Sungkyunkwan University
Tel :+82-31-299-4844
E-mail :peterlee@skku.edu
Homepage :http://gel.skku.edu
Name :Seok Woo Jeon
Affiliation :KAIST
Tel :+82-42-350-3342
E-mail :jeon39@kaist.ac.kr
Homepage :http://fdml.kaist.ac.kr
Name :Hyeon Suk Shin
Affiliation :UNIST
Tel :+82-52-217-2311
E-mail :shin@unist.ac.kr
Homepage :http://lnn.unist.ac.kr/

| Research Purpose

This research is aimed at the development of solution-processed organic-inorganic hybrid material for soft electronics. Especially, researches are concentrated on fabrication of high quality dielectric and encapsulation film. The goal of research and development is the obtaining original technology about these functional films and applying developed films to soft electronics in order to significantly advancing soft electronics and securing national competitiveness.

| Contents

Topic 1. Development of high quality solution-processed encapsulation film

• Development of novel and high quality encapsulation material
• Securing the gas barrier property of encapsulation material and study of its other properties
• Optimization of solution processing technology and study for application to the devices

Schematic diagram of water vapor penetration in inorganic and organic/inorganic hybrid encapsulation layer

Topic 2. Development of solution-processed organic-inorganic hybrid dielectric film

• Development and construction of high-performance organic/inorganic hybrid material
• Study of enhancing the mechanical/electrical properties for inorganic and organic-inorganic hybrid material
• Investigation of structural/interfacial properties for inorganic and organic-inorganic material and study of modification technique for high performance
• Optimization of large-area/high-performance solution processing technique

Schematic diagrams of device using inorganic dielectric layer and organic-inorganic hybrid materials on flexible substrate

| Expected Contribution

- Overcome technical limitations about fabrication of existing encapsulation and dielectric layer
- Preemption in patent about high-quality encapsulation and dielectric layer using organic-inorganic hybrid material
- Gain the upper hand in the market of large-area/flexible material for soft electronics using solution process
- Development and application to bio sensors and human-attachable device
- Construction of fundamental technologies for application to diverse electronics based on developed organic-inorganic hybrid materials

| Representative Research Achievement

1. Y. Kim, T. K. An, J. Kim, J. Hwang, S. Park, S. Nam, H. Cha, W. J. Park, J. M. Baik, C. E. Park, J. Mater. Chem. C 2014, 2, 4539.
2. C. E. Park, Y. Kim, T. K. An, KR 10-2013-0118638(10-04-2013)
3. Y. J. Jeong, J. Jang, S. Nam, K. Kim, L. H. Kim, S. Park, T. K. An, C. E. Park, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 6816.
4. L. H. Kim, K. Kim, S. Park, Y. J. Jeong, H. Kim, D. S. Chung, S. H. Kim, C. E. Park, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 6731.